Investment Performance Analyzer - Fidelity Investments
“How are my assets performing?” Every day Fidelity asset management executives, who are responsible for $1.7 trillion, ask that question. On their desks every morning is a stack of papers 100 pages deep in 6pt type, full of tables they need to wade through to get even the smallest partial answer. These executives asked if we could help them come up with a more elegant way to answer that question. Our solution provided them with an instant picture of performance; it sliced data across the organization, compared relative performance and performance over time and against peers, and provided many other features that have made the app indispensable across the organization. During his annual review of Fidelity’s performance in front of 200 leading investment professionals, Asset Management’s President Charlie Morrison did away with his traditional powerpoint deck and instead walked step by step through Fidelity’s performance using the app.
• Please note that all data represented here is fake. I certainly wouldn't want you to make any financial decisions based off of these designs.